martes, 10 de julio de 2012

25 rock curiosities

Helli, I´m gonna tell you some rock curiosities to learn more about our rock stars:
1- Before Nirvana, Kurt Cobain played in a band that made version of songs of the Creedence Cleawater Revival.
2- The sond Dr. Robert of the Beatles made reference to Bob Dylan who was the first that sold drugs to the Beatles.
3- The only subject that Jimmy Hendrix fail was music in 1958
4- What appears in the cover of the album Load of Metallica, isn´t  fire or lava, is blood and semen of sheep between two films plexiglass.
5-Dimebag Darrel, the ex-guitarrist of Pantera, was murdered the the 24 aniversary of the dead of John Lennon, and was burried with a guitar of Van Halen.
6- The baterist of Metallica, before was a tennis player.
7- The first song that Kurt Cobain learned to play was Back in Black.
8- When John Lennon said: "We are greater than Jesus", someone in the Vatican said that it was true
9-Ozzy Osbourne sniff ants beacuse he lose a bet.(strange drug :) 
10-The hotel chain Holiday Inn ban the entrance to their hotels to the band The Who because the damages that they created.
11- Kurt Cobain wrote wrong his name.
12- Jay Ramone died while he was litsening Little While the U2
13- Farrokh Bommi Bulsara was born in Tanzania, now is more known as Freddie Mercuri
14- Ozzy Osbourne left the school when he was 15 years old.
15- Before Jimmi Hendrix got his first guitar he played un Ukelele of one cord.
16- Steven Tyler can put his fist inside his mouth.
17-Back in the 80's Axl Rose came for the first time to New York with 20 dollars in hand and his first night he slept on the frozen street next to a bum who said, "do you know Where You Are ... you are in the jungle baby .. you are gonna die "...
18- Freddie Mercury died one day before he was diagnosed sida.
19- UUEE wanted to expel John Lennon from the country.
20- Johnny Rotten (vocalist of Sex Pistols) combien marijuana with the spagehtti
21- IN Spain ( my country !!) and Australia there is a street called AC/DC
22- Peter Grant (the manager of Led-Zeppelin) with the band was invite to the house of Elvis Presley. When they arrived Grant sit on the father of Elvis. When they finished the visit Grant said to Elvis: " Enchanted of meet you, sorry for have sat on your father"
23- Elvis was the greatest rocker weapon collect, even he gave a colt to the president Nixon
24-Spencer EElden, the baby of Nevermid, have a copy of platinum in his house.
25- Angus Young dress like that because his teacher of the high school said to him that never would reach anything. So he drees with an school uniform.

Again Ozzy

Hello, i don´t like to talk everytime about the same rock star, but ozzy have made something that deserve be mention. Look this video and you will know what i´m talk about
Great, isn´t it? know that i´m talking about ozzy, i have to said, that is something that very few know, is that he is the vocalist of black sabath. It was only a curiosity.

Great Ozzy

Hello, this is a small section in wich i´m gonna talk about crazy things that rcok stars do. The one that i´Hello, this is a small section in wich i´m gonna talk about crazy things that rcok stars do. The one that i´m gonna talk today is about Ozzy Osbourne. In middle the of a concert he take a bat ( it wastn´t flying, it was tied) and he bit the head of the bat. Uforntunatleya thoot of the bit hurt the ence of Ozzy and he bacame sick.
But as he had a lot of money he could pay god doctor and he was saved. And today still singing. Today´s music 
doesn´t do that, right?
I left you here the video

Why Axl?

Hello, probably most of you now this, but i´m gonna talk about it for them who doesn´t know. Axl Rose is the vocalist of one of the most famous bands of rock history: Guns n Roses. From the begining this band have created songs like Sweet Child o´Mine,Welcome to the Jungle, November Rain. And I love the band, but Axl (even he is one of the best singers of history) have disolved the band, and when i said this I mean that the only member that stills remain from the begins of the band is Axl. And he have put new members, yes,  a DJ, WTF, is rock, we don´t need a Dj with electronic music in Rock Songs. And the worst thing is that the name tha have put to this group of musics is Guns n Roses, this, for me, is an insult. Where is Slash, where is Hollywood Rose, that isn´t Guns n roses, Is a bad imitation. Axl Rose not only have kill one of the best rock bands, also have replaced. All of us admire Axl, But Why, Axl, Why have you done it?

Look this video, a bad imitation of slash playing in Guns n Roses:

Apocalyptic Love

Hello, today i´m gonna talk about the new disc of Slash. I´ve to said that the last week i bought it and I love it. It has all the features of the clasic rock song but with a 21 century touch. It have the clasic and awesome solos of Slash. And is a variated Album because each song is sung by a different artist, including Ozzy Osbourne. Is an album that you must buy. You will enjoy.

1."Apocalyptic Love" 
2."One Last Thrill" 
3."Standing in the Sun" 
4."You're a Lie" 
5."No More Heroes" 
7."We Will Roam" 
9."Not for Me" 
10."Bad Rain" 
11."Hard & Fast" 
12."Far and Away" 
13."Shots Fired" 
15."Crazy Life"